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How to Properly Maintain Drilling Rig Equipment?

Aug. 04, 22

Water Well Drilling Machine

Water Well Drilling Machine

Most customers send their equipment ashore for inspection and maintenance. Is this because of old habits, the nature of the business, or is it beneficial in some cases to send certified inspectors to the drilling rig?


Is it good to have a drill pipe?

Of course, any responsible drilling operator will immediately remove damaged or worn equipment from production. However, attention must also be paid to subtle wear and tear that is undetectable to the eye.


Different inspection standards establish a system of regular inspections of equipment to ensure that these faults are detected. The own equipment is inspected according to NS 2, which states that it should be inspected every 6 months.


Inspection offshore

Some drill pipe repairs can be done on-site:


Grinding threads

Double-shouldered connections or severe damage require a shop reface.

Simple file work on the threads.


Some inspection methods can also be performed in the field, such as visual and dimensional inspections, internal pipe conditions, and hard banding. However, a full inspection of the drill pipe needs to be done in the shop.

Rotary Well Drilling Rig

Rotary Well Drilling Rig     


Perfect conditions

Has there ever been a case of having a certified inspector come to the rig to inspect and maintain the equipment? Well, in my opinion, there are under certain conditions.


First, this applies to rigs owned by companies that are permanently equipped with their own owned handling equipment.


Second, the equipment in question is typically cross-overs, various subs, lift protectors, and all pup-joints.

What to do.

Always make sure you select a rig based on the terrain you will be working on.

Inspect the rig thoroughly before purchasing. Check to make sure it meets all quality standards and has enough drilling fluid to avoid any accidents.


Proper maintenance is the key to prolonging the life of the drilling rig. Be sure to maintain it regularly to avoid any breakdowns.

Safety, reliability, and ease of use are also important factors to consider before purchasing.

Make sure that the drilling contractor you deal with is committed to delivering the rig on time, without any delays, and with good after-sales service. This is critical in the event of any breakdowns.


Be alert to the speed and power of the rig. This will help save your workers a lot of time and increase efficiency during the drilling process.


Determine if the drilling contractor you are about to place a rig order with is located worldwide and has satisfactory customer references. This will bring credibility and trust to the market.

Have You Chosen The Right Drilling Rig?cid=18

  Core Drilling Rig     


The Don’ts:

Improper maintenance - Failure to maintain the rig can cause serious damage to the equipment. It can also cause the drill pipe to stop working, which could result in injury or death to the rig operator. Other factors include leaks in the hydraulic or fluid pumping system that can cause shortages or cause machinery to jam while working and lead to costly project delays.


Don't make hasty decisions and succumb to high pressure. Always take the time to research and see which contractor can provide the best solution for your business needs.


Don't buy used rigs. No matter how tempting due to factors such as low price, short lead times, local contractors, etc., it may not be future-proof and is likely to fail.


The drilling industry is approved to have its own ancillary equipment, such as drill bits, drill pipes, drill columns, etc., to help support the drilling process and further enhance it. However, the quality of this ancillary equipment may not always be up to par.


Therefore, if you intend to purchase these products from the contractor itself, they must be thoroughly inspected beforehand

Without proper research - factors such as size, capacity, and transportation considerations need to be taken into account when considering how much your business or organization can commit to

Water Well Drilling Rig

Water Well Drilling Rig     


Benefits obtained

By inspecting and maintaining the equipment on the rigs, these rigs may have significant cost reductions.


Save on transportation costs - to and from the rig

Reduced logistical challenges





Packing, logging, and storing equipment when it is returned to the rig

Reduce the risk of damaging equipment during transport

Save time

Reduce the risk of NPT due to the equipment being inspected or leaving


For more information on proper maintenance for drill rig equipment, please visit our website at https://www.jcdrill.com.


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